Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Senior Shopping

Peanut's first birthday is this weekend, and we headed to Target after supper to pick out a gift for her.  And a card for Flyboy's pastor friend whose birthday is tomorrow.  While Flyboy was looking at the cards I headed to the toy department.  I've had in my head that I wanted to get Peanut an upholstered chair just her size that is sturdy enough for her to climb in and out of without tipping it over.  I've searched every store in town and had this itty bitty hope that Target might be having some 60% off sale or something, but alas, the beautiful baby wingback chair in pink was still $80 and seeing that Peanut doesn't even know it's her birthday or what that even means quite yet, I think that's a little more than we want to spend.  I knew this already, but the instinct was confirmed when I showed it to Flyboy and he gave me a look.  You know that look.  It says, "have you lost your ever-lovin' mind???"  This was after he searched and searched for me in the toy department, not knowing I'd been drawn like a magnet to the furniture department on the great chair hunt.  Ever the funny guy, he was carrying an ab machine for Peanut when he found me.  I gave him the look.  He knew exactly what it meant.

In the meantime, two lovely little old ladies were at the end of the baby doll toy aisle on the red phone looking for a cashier in electronics.  One was explaining her dilemma to the person on the phone while the other was trying to find the ringing cell phone in her purse.  The ensuing conversation was precious:

Lady #1:  Isn't there usually someone at the electronics counter?  How am I supposed to check out there when there is no one around?
Lady #2:  I know I heard my phone ringing but I can't find it in my purse.
Lady #1:  Maybe you left it in the car.  I think you did leave it in the car.
Lady #2:  I think you're right.  I must have left my phone in the car.
Lady #1:  But you heard it ringing - it has to be in your purse.
Red-shirted clerk: May I help you ladies?
Lady #2:  I lost my cell phone.  I heard it ringing but I can't find it.
Red-shirted clerk:  Did you need some help at the electronics counter?
Lady #1:  Unless you can find a missing cell phone, no...
Red-shirted clerk:  Um...okay...well...if you need anything else, I'll be right here.

Unable to settle between the wingback chair and the ab machine, we finally found something soft we could both agree on.  We checked out, got a couple of lattes from the in-store Starbucks and made our way to the parking lot.

Where we found our two ladies looking for their car.  They had enlisted the help of a passing-by driver, who suggested they hit the panic button on their remote to locate their vehicle.  And it worked.

Gigi:  Well, that could be us in a few years, you know...
Flyboy:  I certainly hope not.  Just shoot me now.