Friday, June 27, 2008

Long time no blog...

Well, first it was the insanity of life in Twoville...more recently it's been thinking about the big wedding. After lots of conversation with the FOB (family of the bride), we've come upon a mutually satisfying plan for receiving the guests following the wedding. We are hosting a "fellowship" time in the gym, whereby people will go from the receiving line to the gym for cake, coffee, etc. Besides giving people a chance to visit and eat that are not going to the reception, it will afford a place to kill some time for those who are.

Speaking of cake, I've been steering clear of it this week, as well as most other carbs, as I've embarked on the South Beach diet. I was hoping the pounds would melt away, but when you're over 50, I guess that's a little to much to expect. Also, one must be diligent in exercise, which this week, I've NOT. On Sunday morning, I started getting a serious headache, which over the course of the week has been accompanied by some other digestive tract symptoms that you'd rather not hear about. Pete thought it was just the body getting used to a new diet, but after doing some reading, I do believe it is salmonella. I had not heard that there was an outbreak, and I think I bought the last tomatoes in the grocery store. There is no treatment for salmonella (just waiting it out...about a week), so no need to head to the dr. for a diagnosis. It's just not necessary because I just diagnosed myself. Hopefully, next week, I'll feel more like exercising. And stay tuned for the new and improved me. :) I told Pete that if I have to wire my jaws shut I'll do it before I'll be this heavy at the wedding.

So - my good intention is to be back at the blogging more often. We'll see how far it gets me.

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