Friday, October 31, 2008

They're here!

The wedding pictures are online! Plan to take awhile to look at them, because there are LOTS. Any and all are available for purchase through the website.

Here's how to take a look. Get onto the photographer's website here, click on "clients" and type our last name (all lower case) into the little text box below the photo.

Enjoy!!! Tell us which are your favorites!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

After the big wedding last month, Heather and I were reviewing the highlight reel together and she made a poignant observation. She noted that in her lifetime she has never had to experience the divorce of a family member - they are all still married to one another - and that is really something to celebrate. As our role models in marriage for life, we look to and recognize my mom and dad, who will tomorrow be celebrating their FIFTY-FIFTH wedding anniversary. This is definitely momentous!

At the wedding, there was a "married couples dance", where the floor cleared a little at a time until the couple married the longest was the only couple left on the floor. Guess who won?

You guessed it! No one else in the room had been married 55 years!

In Mom's own words, here are her memories of that special day and the years inbetween:

We were married in Ponca City Fri, October 30, 1953 about 7:30 in the eve by the Methodist pastor in the First Baptist Church. Reception following in the basement and then off we went to OKC for honeymoon and stayed at the Skirvin Hotel. Was strange checking in with my husband . It was a beautiful hotel and has been remodelled and I believe still in the same place-downtown OKC. We stopped in Stillwater enroute at a downtown cafe for a cup of coffee. We stayed two nights and went to the movie:Sat. nite The Robe in OKC. We attended the First Baptist Church downtown OKC on Sunday morning. Came home Sunday aft. and spent the night at the Overstreet (Nana and Popo) home in Ponca City-loaded up everything we had and drove to Kentucky, Vine Grove. Dad had rented a small home there enroute home to get married. Next day, we went out and bought the bedroom suite you are using, a table and chairs (4). Dad had a sack chair for the living room and a TV. He built a sofa from a slab of wood (screwed legs on it) and put a pad on top. He was stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky. for 4 mos. and then sent to Korea. I went back to Ponca City and worked til beginning of next semester and enrolled at OSU and finished my first degree-Bachelor of Science in Home Ec. Dept. Dad was gone 16 mos. One semester I took 20 hours to complete the course by the time he returned. He left March 1954 and returned end of July 1955. All our furnishings had been stored by the military and when Dad returned he was stationed in the Baltimore,MD area and attended a CIC school for 3+ months. We rented a furnished apt. there. Then stationed in Iowa for duty there. We were in an apt. where military bought all our stuff and then in about a year purchased our first home on Stamey St. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Dad stayed in the military til Dec. 1956. He then joined the Pickwick Co. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in their Adv. Dept. Our first 3 years were most interesting and varied and different locations.We drove home Christmas '56 in very cold weather to Ponca and spent Christmas with the Overstreet grandparents. I remember stopping at a farm house enroute to get your baby bottle warmed. We had a bottle warmer in the car you plugged in and it had quit working. What a beginning for our married life and still going!! Many memories around the world in travels and living from east coast to west and Iowa to Okla.

Congratulations, Mom and Dad for 55 years of devotion to one another! We are all thankful for the inspiration you are to us.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It has been recently pointed out to me that I've not been updating, and therefore assumed that things must be hopping around here. On the contrary, it has been unusually quiet, and I'm enjoying a respite from the little insanities of life. It seems that for the past year it has been SOMETHING non-stop. Well, for now it's stopped (knock on wood) and for the current lull, I am extremely grateful.

Work is going well. Still loving the new job. The school calendar is as good as it gets.

Radiation will be half done by the end of the week. Outside of the "sunburn" and some early fatigue, Pete is doing well.

The newlyweds are doing great. We enjoyed a meal and an evening at their place last week. Us old folks even played Wii for the first time and actually had fun doing it. Check out this site for two "sneak peeks" at their wedding pictures, soon to be posted on same site. If you want to see them when they come up, you'll need a passcode. Leave me your email address in the comment section and I'll send it to you.

Absolutely nothing else to report. And I'm okay with that.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Catching up

A few months ago, Heidi had me sign up on Facebook so I could see her page and the group they started to keep people informed of their progress in getting to England. I felt I was a little old for Facebook, but agreed for the above reasons. My page is a complete dud without a picture or anything at all interesting and I've not done a thing with it. In the meantime, somehow the word got out among the 20-somethings at church and I have a good 20 "friend" invitations in my hotmail inbox waiting for a response from me. How unfriendly is it to not respond to people who say they want to be your friend?!? Just one of the many ways I need to catch up...

Thank you notes would be next (well, actually, they're first on the list). The wedding was absolutely beautiful. And the help of a number of dear friends made the day completely enjoyable for me. We hosted a "mini-reception" between the ceremony and the dinner at the country club, and the gym looked like a garden party complete with trees, park benches, and lights. Time with family was wonderful and those who sacrificed to be here gave us a gift beyond compare. Every minute was a blessing.

We're trying to catch up at home - the morning the throngs left we headed back to work and things still are not quite back to normal, though we've made progress. Heather moved in the day after the wedding and she is trying to get settled during a few days off work without killing herself in the process. She wants to move to Arizona in the spring for health reasons and didn't want to have to sign another year's lease on her apt., so she's turning the basement into a cozy nook. She got her cable hooked up and so now we have it, too. I've decided there is something decidedly addictive about the Home & Garden channel. Heather and I figured out that there are no commercials between the end of one show and the beginning of the next. You get hooked before you ever realize what happened. Another new show (well, new to us) is the Dog Whisperer, which is pretty cool. This Cesar guy is pretty amazing.

On the cancer front, Pete goes in for his "dry run" for radiation on Thursday, and then presumably, will start soon after that. I can't wait to tell Eric that his dad got a tattoo (though you have to look really hard to find it). They marked his leg with ink in a needle (doesn't that qualify as a tattoo?) and made a mold which will be secured to the table so his leg doesn't move during radiation. He has to go 5x a week for 7 weeks. He struggled for awhile with the REAL necessity of submitting to radiation as he tested cancer free after surgery. The clincher was the revelation that if the cancer were to recur in his leg he would possibly lose the whole leg. We'd obviously rather not go there.

And not for your viewing pleasure, here is a picture from the wedding. Emy's cousin is a professional photographer and while she was too busy taking care of the flower girls (her daughters) to be messing with pictures, she somehow posted 177 of them on her website. As I understand the wedding photographer will also be posting pictures in 2-3 weeks. I'll let you know that link/password when I get it. Aren't they cute?