Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's official

Dear President-elect Obama,

It's no surprise - you did it. I think the word "change" struck a resonant chord from the beginning. Nobody likes war, and particularly when the outcomes are so far removed from the realities of loss. I understand that it's hard to send our young men and women off to war when we can't see immediate rewards for their sacrifice. I think that many people have clung to the hope that you are going to change all that, and that is one of the main reasons you won. We want immediate gratification and it will be very interesting to see what we give up down the road for getting out of Iraq sooner rather than later.

I am just coming to realize that I only thought I was living in a post-Christian nation, but in reality, I'm living in a post-conservative nation as well. With you in the White House and the Democrats ruling the Senate, I think things are about to change for conservatives, and are going to get more than interesting for conservatives who also happen to be Christians. While you are busy trying to protect the rights of gays and lesbians, will my previously-protected-by-the-Constitution rights to believe that God intended marriage for one man and one woman become history? If I dare to believe that God's plan as the Creator and Sustainer of this universe was right from the start am I in danger of being guilty of a hate crime?

Yes, I see change coming, and I think it is time to REALLY clarify what it is I believe and why. Because I think that for conservative Christians, the very core of our belief system is about to be challenged. Thank you, Mr. Obama, for giving me renewed courage to articulate what I believe in the face of mounting odds.

I promise to respect your office and to pray for you. While I have obvious concerns, I will not use them as a reason to bash you, but will commit to carefully considering and articulating them in a constructive way. God will use you to accomplish His purposes. You may be President, but He is GOD.

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