Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's About Love

It has always struck me as interesting that in Jesus' final prayer before His arrest (John 17), the one thing that He prayed for us was NOT the thing you might expect.  He did not pray for our theological purity.  He did not pray for victory over sin, and while He wants our obedience, He did not even pray for that.  He prayed that we  (believers) would be "one" as He and the Father are one so that the world might experience firsthand the love that He and the Father share.

It always, always, always boils down to love.  

Paul said (I Corinthinans 13) that we can get it all right - we can say the right things, we can believe the right things, we can do the right things - but if we don't have love, it's all just a waste of time.  And when the  Sadducees and Pharisees, stumped by His command of the Scripture asked Him which was the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus simply replied, "Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37).  

When life gets a little toxic and when we get hung up on what we do instead of Who we do it for, love is the place to go.  

I'm getting on the love train.  I want to really unpack the idea of loving God with every fiber of who I am...what it looks like, how it plays out in my life, and how it changes my outlook on everything.  It's about love, pure and simple.  When everything else is stripped away, love is the final answer.

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