Friday, December 16, 2011

Soul Food - Part Two

It's Christmas-time.  And as I sit in my living room and look in any direction, I see reminders of the season.  A white three-piece nativity, given to me by my mother, flanked by a snow covered ceramic church and a fir tree, each with a little votive burning inside, softly illuminating them.  Like sentries guarding the baby Jesus, there are two white-lit evergreens, one at each end of the coffee table.  On the buffet a second nativity is displayed, this one carved of wood and including both shepherds and wise men.  Angels, one on each end, sing of the Messiah's birth.  And finally, on the end table, a beautiful blue and white ceramic depicts the flight to Egypt.  Mary holds the baby Jesus, perched on a horse led by the protective Joseph.  Everywhere I look I see Jesus.

My iPod is my constant friend this season, playing the beautiful melodies and harmonies that envelop the amazing words that feed my soul with the wonder of Jesus, leaving the glory of heaven to become a human being who would one day take the punishment for the sin of the world.  I have listened over and over to the music of a local artist (Stephanie Seefeldt) who recently released a Christmas album which includes some of the most poignant lyrics imaginable.  I have been deeply moved by several a capella groups that have brought old words to life in breathtaking new ways.  In every sound that pours into my heart, I hear Jesus.

My soul is grateful for such rich nourishment.  My soul has been longing for such food.

Soul food connects the eternal part of our being with the eternal God Himself.  It is found in the simultaneous simplicity and magnificence of creation, it is found in beauty of music that stirs us to the core, and it is found in the message preserved through the centuries: the living Word of God.  I think one of the reasons the Bible is such satisfying soul food is because its authenticity touches us right where we are.  It introduces us to real people who have the same struggles and doubts as we do and doesn't sugar coat their failings.  When Zechariah was visited by the angel Gabriel and received the news that his wife Elizabeth would bear a son he said, "How can I be sure of this?  I am an old man and my wife is well along in years."  I love the response: "I am Gabriel.  I stand in the presence of GOD, and I have been sent to speak to you and tell you this news."  God sent an archangel and Zechariah still couldn't believe it.  Oh, how I see myself in Zechariah.  It's not enough that God has performed miracles in my life...from time to time, I still doubt.

When I find myself in such a place, I know my starved soul is longing for the touch, a visitation, a word, a connection point with the Almighty God. And when I simply stop running long enough to invite Him to speak and be quiet long enough to listen, He never disappoints.

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