Sunday, September 21, 2008

The countdown has begun

What a joy to see Eric and Emily this morning at church...both wearing goofy grins that say, "I'm in love and I don't care if the whole world knows!" Apparently neither of them had a good night's sleep, both claiming the excitement of it all makes sleep pretty hard to come by.

Grace played and sang the song she'll be doing at the wedding for E&E and for us two moms. We told her the song was perfect, because it made both the moms cry. :)

I've surprised myself this past week at how easily and how often I've cried. My tears this time around are a little different than when Heidi got married. Any tears I shed at her wedding nine years ago were all for joy, knowing that she had the best guy on the planet for her. There was no doubt, no sadness, only joy. Don't panic, there is nor doubt or sadness this time, but it is admittedly different. With E&E, my tears recognize the beginning of a new life for Eric, and we have SO much to be thankful for. His adult life had a rocky start and seeing where he is today as opposed to where he was 7 years ago is absolutely overwhelming. He has become a man. He loves Jesus. He is pledging his life to love the woman of his dreams. And I couldn't feel more blessed. A few of the old memories come lurking to be met by the present reality and the happy tears start again. There were years of heartbreak and while I always clung to the belief that he would find his way back, it was so, so hard. Just look at him now and see what God has done. I couldn't be more proud of him.

I think I have another job to add to the list for this very busy week: cry as many tears as I possibly can so that by Sunday, I'll just be smiling.

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