Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Staple-free, one crutch guy

Out with the staples, in with the steri-strips. Hooray! It was a good day. Pete is down to one crutch, and is hoping to walk unassisted and perform the wedding while standing. He has 11 days. We are hopeful.

The only disturbing part about yesterday's appointment was the discussion on radiation. The dr. said because of the proximity to his femur, the weakening of the bone by radiation would increase the chances of a break. That didn't sound good... He also talked about the attack on the immune system, the "sunburn", rashes, and extreme fatigue. Since the tumor was self-contained and they cleaned out a rather large area around where the tumor was, one wonders if radiation is truly necessary. Pete is certainly asking that question and plans to do some more research before his first appointment with the radiation oncologist.

Besides preparing for radiation (or not), the next step is physical therapy. He has to wait another week, and then he can start. The fitness center he belongs to has both a physical therapist and a therapy pool. The therapy pool is AMAZING - from 3-5 feet deep (shallow to deep end), and a wonderful 85 degrees. I think just walking in it would be great for Pete's leg. Once it heals enough to be safe from infection, of course.

I'm living on lists now, with the wedding less than two weeks away. Write thank you notes - check. Plan rehearsal dinner - check. Mow the grass and weed - check. Next stop the basement!

I'm loving my new job - it's the kind of thing you can walk away from at night and forget about. Kind of nice not being in charge anymore.

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