Friday, February 11, 2011

Passports - Check!

Our passports arrived today in the mail, two weeks and six days after we made application.  That's a relief!  We are one step closer to our upcoming trip to England, which is now just over five weeks away.


Can't wait to hug on all of them.

Funny story...overheard this past week between Dash and JackJack:

JackJack:  If bad guys came and wanted to hurt us, I would punch them in the face.

Dash:  If bad guys came and wanted to hurt us, I would stay in the house.

If any conversation ever personified the marked differences between these two little guys, it's this one.  And how interesting to ponder the difference between nature and nurture...  JackJack loves super heroes and Star Wars and wants to play rugby when he turns five.  Dash cares about people, and when a friend recently had a fire at her flat, his first question was, "is she alright?", which was followed by, "she could stay here at our house with us."

Being so far away has been hard, and we are missing out on so much.  But at the same time, knowing it was God Himself who led them, who made the way plain, who has guided them along the way and supported them (even in especially in the hard times) makes the distance bearable somehow.  We will be celebrating JackJack's birthday, as well as his sweet mama's, and seeing places with our own eyes we have only dreamed of.

Next on the agenda: an itinerary.  The Incredibles have things they want to show us, and we are taking any and all suggestions from anyone who has been there.  What would you recommend?

1 comment:

  1. So excited you have your passports!!! I need to get you that list soon about the ideas we have :)
