Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day 2!

Yes, yes, I know this is old news. And I know Facebook is plastered with pictures of the blizzard of 2011. But for posterity, and mostly for Girlfriend (our Arizona daughter who has had to suffer through unseasonably cold weather this week - 50 degrees - poor thing), because she knows she wishes she could be here about now.

This one was indeed one for the record books. Let's look at some pictures!

There was four feet of snow right outside the garage door. Flyboy was excited, like I was, to be snowed in and have a day at home to lay around and watch movies. Until he opened the garage door and got the full impact of what he was in for.

And here he is, two hours later. Making progress, but still oh so much more to go.

Just when the driveway was starting to look passable, I ventured outside to congratulate Flyboy. And then I took a look toward the front porch. And believe it or not, there should be a sidewalk parallel to the street.  At a time like this, there is only one thing to do. Catch the next plane to Phoenix.

Well, like everybody else in the upper midwest, we did finally get dug out. This morning, however, posed a new challenge. Wanting to get caught up on the laundry while I'm at home today, it occurred to me (after a nice reminder from our local tv anchorwoman) that our dryer vent might very well be buried in snow. This is a problem. Getting into the back yard is also a problem because there is a sheet of plastic adhered to the patio door for the winter and I must go out the front and around the house to get to the patio where the vent releases hot air from the dryer in the basement.

So what's the problem?

Step one: dress for success.

Step two: plot your course. Hmm...this looks pretty deep. Let's try the other side.

Not much better, but at least I spy some footsteps into the neighbor's back yard. Maybe I can follow them for awhile!

How to determine your fitness level in one easy test:  walk in waist deep snow from the front of the house to the back of the house.  If you make it without having a heart attack, you pass!  It was about here I wished I had brought my phone with me just in case I needed to call 911.

Step three: locate the dryer vent. Come on - I know you're in there somewhere!

Success!  There you are!

I am happy to report that I am safely back in the house, sipping a hot cup of Constant Comment, having somehow miraculously avoided the need for cardiac resuscitation. The sheets are in the washing machine, and I am ready to settle into a day of study and prayer.

Life is good!

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