Monday, December 13, 2010

A Down Day

A year and a half ago, I was finishing the end-of-year tasks at school, preparing to direct Vacation Bible School, moving mulch in the yard, and dealing with Flyboy's second cancer diagnosis. The stress added up and my body revolted. My back went out (THAT had never happened before) and I was down for three days.

This week must have been even harder than I realized, and the pre-back-going-out twinges I felt the last time have been zapping me the past few days. I decided to cancel today and stay flat.

I have always been on Flyboy to listen to his body, rather than figuring the solution to any and all pain is to push through it. Today, I am taking my own advice and laying low. "I Am Legend" is on TV, but I can't even watch it. Quiet. Rest. Down day. That is what today is all about.

Why do we find it so hard to put on the brakes? Especially at this time of year when the days fly by at warp speed? It's always something that keeps us running. Shopping, parties, more shopping, rehearsals, and on it goes. Sometimes we just don't know when to stop.

Apparently that's what back twinges are all about. I learned this the last time. When the back says, "enough already!", my job is to say "sir, yes sir!" and take a break. The back speaks, and I listen.

Running - whether ahead of God, or away from God...whether toward a goal or just in circles...whether reaching for something superfluous or something meaningful - sometimes too much running is just too much. God not only suggests a Sabbath-rest, He commands it. And the punishment for ignoring the need for rest is, of all things, death. I think ignoring the need for rest is akin to committing suicide in a slow, long and painful manner. Maybe that's what the verse in Leviticus is talking about - a lack of rest is a death sentence, plain and clear.

So, today - right smack dab in the middle of the busy holiday season - I am indulging in a self-imposed day of Sabbath rest. I got the message, I'm listening to my body, and I have skidded to a grinding halt. I think I'll take a nap.

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