Monday, December 13, 2010

Lessons From a Baby

Yesterday, I enjoyed my Gigi-duty of caring for Peanut during second service at church. She could undoubtedly go to the nursery, but this is *our time*, and I'll enjoy it as long as her parents will let me. As always, she was a little angel, contentedly looking around and taking it all in. Even when she started to get sleepy there was no fussing, she just laid her head on my shoulder every now and then, popping it back up again to make sure she wasn't missing anything.

Finally, during the potluck after church, right in the middle of the gym, when the level of conversation noise made it hard to think, Peanut decided it was time to go to sleep. She conked out right in my arms, and slept there for a good long while. Her other grandma, Betty, came over to visit and commented on Peanut's ability to sleep right in the midst of all the noise and activity, and mused there was a lesson there for all of us. Again I was reminded of our need to stop and rest - even in the middle of the busiest time of the year.

Peanut looked blessedly serene as she snuggled in my arms and slept. What better, safer place is there to sleep than in the arms of One who loves us and not only would - but did - give His life on our behalf? This afternoon, following a stressful week I'd just as soon not repeat for awhile, I think I'll climb up into my Father's arms and enjoy some tranquil, peaceful rest. I'm safe there.

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