Wednesday, December 22, 2010

No Place Like Home

Way back when our kids were around 12, 10, and 8, I got a part time job. It was my first job outside of our home (I had taught piano). Times were a little tight, and it seemed like the right job for the right time. I worked for the YMCA supervising a before/after school program. Clothes laid out, lunches made the night before, and I left early in the morning to head to work. A friend from the kids' school who lived nearby my workplace dropped them off after school, where they stayed with me until 5:00, when the program ended.

I remember walking down the stairs at church and being engaged in a conversation with a couple who stopped me there to talk. The husband said, "Hey - I hear you got a job! That's great news! Now you can be fulfilled!" My first instinct was to sock him in the chops, but I refrained, opting to listen to the little voice dressed in white as opposed to one dressed in black. My second instinct was to beat my breast and yell, "Man, are you daft?!?" Finally, I composed myself, smiled, and said, "Fulfilled? I was perfectly fulfilled at home. Why would I need a job to be fulfilled?"

I spoke the truth. And it is just as true today as it was then.

Working is hard. I can put on a good show, keep it together, maintain my obligations at church and at home, and even, from time to time, make it all look easy.

But that's not the truth.

The truth is, it is hard to be gone from home 45-50 hours a week and keep all the balls in the air.

I loved being home with my kids, and when they were all in school, just being at home. There is something about having somebody at home to keep the fires burning. Somebody to pick up the dry cleaning, take the vacuum cleaner in for repairs, do the banking, mail the Christmas gifts, plan and execute hospitality events, oh, and the cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Even now, given the choice, I would much rather be home than at work. I think of how much easier Flyboy's life would be if I were on the home front taking care of all the domestic needs, allowing him to come home from a high-stress, high-needs job and just rest.

But for now, that is not to be. Our reasons for me working are just as valid as they have ever been, and while I might wish to be at home, it's not going to happen.

Except for days like today.

Today is the beginning of my two week "winter holiday", during which I intend to fully celebrate CHRISTmas, spend time with family and friends, be domestic, and rest. Since I do have to work, there is no place like a school to offer the most paid holidays around, fulfilling my desire (every now and then) to be at home. I am certainly blessed.

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