Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cooking Like Crazy

When you only have seven weeks before a very big trip and you'd like to enjoy said trip and not be huffing and puffing after ten steps and if you believe what Oprah said - "If you say you want to lose weight but you don't exercise, you're lying to yourself" - and you know you must get moving because time is running out but you don't know how to fit it into your life, you have a problem.

(Just thought I'd try to compete with the Apostle Paul for the world's longest sentence, but I think he still holds the record.)

Anyway, we headed out today to find some waterproof walking shoes since Elasti-girl told us they would be a good investment in soggy England, and we found them! We're wearing them around the house to make sure our shoes and our feet are a match made in heaven, then we'll venture out to really break 'em in. I had planned to walk on the treadmill in mine this afternoon, but then I engaged in the same mental discussion I regularly have with myself. It goes like this: I know I need to exercise - and not just for the weight loss aspect of the deal, but because I am becoming a bit arthritic and get a little stove up when I sit around too long. But when you're away from home for 10 hours a day, have evening obligations two of the five workdays each week, and like to do fun stuff like blog and research genealogy, it's not that easy to figure out when to exercise. I already get up at 5:45 and can't get too excited about getting up any earlier, and getting home at 5:15 from work means I have to start supper right away. What is a girl to do???

For the countless times I've thought these thoughts, I've never figured out how to get 'er done. Today, however, I decided that I'd cook ahead (like for the whole week) so that I have NO EXCUSE SIR for not heading to the basement and jumping on the treadmill after work. So, I whirled around the kitchen for several hours, trying three new recipes, loved them all, and am going to share them with you here. I think I'll put them each in their own post, to make it easier to index them.

Happy cooking!

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