Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 3 - Day Trip

Tomorrow is the big trip to the American Embassy in London to register Baby G's birth.  In preparation for that, Elasti-girl, Baby G and I took the bus into Oxford today.  Baby G had to have passport photos taken, so we made a day of it.  Any excuse to get back to Oxford works for me.

Here's the day in photos!

First, a bath for Baby G.

Next, a bus ride to Oxford.  It amazes me that roads not really wide enough for two cars will somehow accommodate two buses.  Just when I am convinced a collision is inevitable, the moment is over and the buses have somehow magically passed one another without incident.

A walk around the downtown area, with memories of having seen these amazing structures last year with Flyboy.  Missing you, honey...

Next stop, passport photos.  The nice ladies laid Baby G on a white backdrop.  One tried to keep him looking straight ahead while the other stood on a crate shooting time after time until she finally got the shot she was looking for.  Baby G was cooperative but curious, laying still but looking in all directions at the same time.  After about 25 tries, success!

A lunch break at Pieminister in the Covered Market..  My yummy bean pie was served over mashed potatoes with gravy.  Delish!

We walked some more, stopped in a few shops, and landed here at the Natural History Museum.  The structure was as amazing as the exhibits (in my opinion).

Tomorrow, London!  We're leaving at 0-dark-30 to catch the bus.  The appointment at the Embassy is at 9:30.  We take the bus in, and then will walk about a mile to our destination.  I, for one, am hitting the hay early tonight.  


  1. Everything looks fabulous Grandma. Can't wait to get a live report after you get home! xo

  2. Wonderful photos!! Making me reaallyy home-sick. You enjoy and tell me all about it when you get home! I miss you ^ so far.
    hugs, Elsie
