Tuesday, August 5, 2008

AT&T woes

Well, first they badgered us for at least a full year trying to sell us UVerse (a fiber optic internet/tv option) and we finally bit. We discovered we could have both internet and more tv channels than we ever wanted (we've never even had cable before) for about the same price as DSL and a landline, so we signed on the dotted line, endured the three hour installation, and disconnected our landline. And then the service worked/didn't work/worked/didn't work (ad nauseum)...somehow they sold us a service that we can't use because we're too far away from the "box", which one would have thought they'd figure out BEFORE installation. So we've had the phone line reconnected and must wait until Friday for our DSL to be back. We're not missing the tv at all, but living without the internet is like not having a microwave or a dishwasher - simply intolerable!!!

So - I have lots to tell and no time to tell it (I'm at work), and it will have to wait until later. No new medical news until after Thursday when Pete sees the oncologist for the first time.

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