Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Brewers lost, but we won

Sorry to not have posted yesterday...I went straight from work to the hospital to dinner to the game to home to bed, and now am back at work again.

So as not to draw out the suspense, our news at the hospital couldn't have been better. There is NO cancer anywhere else in Pete's body! Long story short, he'll be having surgery on Monday to clean out the tumor site, and he'll stay overnight as they will be putting a drain in his leg for a time. He'll be off of it for about a week, and will start radiation once it heals up. Five days a week for five weeks...that will be a haul, but after that, he's DONE.

I think I'll be living here at work between now and the time school starts (when I'm not at the hospital), but it's a small price to pay for such good news. Heather plans to stay with us next week, since with her laptop she can work from anywhere she can get an internet connection. She'll play nursemaid to Dad once he's home, which of course, he insists he does not need. I bet he'll appreciate the help!

We are all emotionally wrung out after the drama of the past few weeks, but in every other way we're flying high. Thanks for all the prayers.

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