Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Home at last

There is an odd science fiction aspect to the passing of time when you're at the hospital. Like a vortex or a taglian loop or a time warp or's like time stands still. Or moves in a repeating loop. Or maybe it's moving backwards - that's what it felt like when Pete would call for pain meds and the nurse took 30 minutes to get there. Or when we called for "transport" to take him to the car today and it took 45 minutes.

It is not easy to get into a vehicle when you can't bend your leg. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to bring the van, and after realizing the front seat was NOT going to cut it, we pulled over and repositioned him behind the front passenger seat with his leg between the two captains seats propped on my bag. Much better. But what an ordeal! He is happily snoozing in his recliner after a miserable two days trying to find some way to lay where he could find relief for his back and his leg at the same time.

The hospital said they'd be sending a survey to find out if we were satisfied with their patient care. We're not too sure which expectations are reasonable and which are not and want to ponder that a bit before responding. One thing I do know for sure is that no one should ever be alone as a patient in the hospital. Right after surgery Pete was unable to articulate what was bothering him, but because I know him so well, I was able to ask the right questions and find out immediately. If I hadn't been there, I'm not sure anyone else would have been able to figure out how to help him (at least not easily).

So, it's good to be home, and hopefully, we'll both get a good night's sleep. Heather is here, at the other end of the couch, typing away on her laptop as I type on mine. I didn't know if was physically possible for a person to type as fast as she does, but apparently she really is doing it. She can work from anywhere if she has internet access and a phone, and this reality makes it possible for her to be here tomorrow (and for the next few days) so I can go back to work. I'm really thankful for a quiet afternoon to kick back and relax. And hey, after two days at work I get a three-day weekend for Labor Day.

Pete has to go back to the dr. on Tuesday for a check-up and at that time they'll remove the drain. The brace stays on for at least two weeks (maybe longer) and the staples won't come out for a good two weeks either. With the skin stretched like it was to close the wound, it will need to be seriously healed before he can be bending his leg.

Thank you (again!), Linda, for bringing supper. Not having to figure that out tonight is a great big blessing. Rumor has it more food is on its way from some other ladies at church. I'm good with that.

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