Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is it 2009 yet?

Be not dismayed - this will not become a political blog. But on the way to work this morning, while listening to NPR, I couldn't help feeling rather bemused by the commentary. Obama and Clinton slapping each other upside the head, each attacking the other's early position on the war. We all know that after 911 the politically correct stance was a nationalistic, patriotic, God Bless America, let's go get 'em posture. Supporting the war had nothing to do with values or freedom for oppressed Iraqis, it was politically prudent. When things didn't quite go as planned in Iraq, the rules suddenly changed, and the tunes changed, and getting out ASAP became the cry of the day. Now, the Democrats can't blame each other fast enough for their early support. How silly.

This kind of silliness is precisely why I have a serious distaste for election years.

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