Monday, January 28, 2008

Ok, ok, I know...

I know that I have said that this is the time I turn off the tv, and that the whole political scene during an election year just gives me a headache. I think I'll renege (I can do that, right?), at least until after the primaries. Because at this point anyway, they're just so darn interesting. It's the unending backstabbing and total loss of focus on what's really important that gets my goat.

On the way to work this morning, I heard on the radio that the Kennedys are endorsing Obama, and that the final straw was the comment by Pres. Clinton comparing his win in South Carolina to the win by Jesse Jackson way back when. Watching this thing gain momentum (the race card, the woman card, etc.), I'm starting to think (and I know it's early) that Obama might wind up winning in the end. I'm wondering if Pres. Clinton might not be as much help to Hillary as the party hopes. I'm drawn back to a verse in Matthew 12:25 - Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand." You gotta wonder if Bill and Hillary are as "united" as they try to project, or if they'll make it to the end of the campaign without imploding.

And on the other side of the tracks, I found Mike Huckabee's commentary on the tax relief initiative fascinating. He intimated that the money to be returned to the taxpayers would be procured by a loan from the Chinese, and that if consumers are going to turn around and spend money on goods made in China, who is really winning here? Hmmm...

Well, enough politics for today.

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