Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's a small world after all...

Well, I've been blogging for less than a week and have already missed a day...yesterday I was hungover, and instead of blogging, I was resting, with a weekend seminar facing me. No, no, no...not THAT kind of hangover (worried?). Thursday, after a power walk at the mall, I was hit suddenly with a whopper migraine, and I'm guessing that the way I felt on Friday morning might well mirror what a hangover might feel like. It's only a guess, of course, because I have never HAD a hangover, having never been drunk. Anyway, knowing I had to drive an hour to the expensive, non-refundable seminar, and then sit for four hours Friday night and eight hours Saturday, I opted for the dark quiet room over the keyboard. It was a good decision, and I'm feeling much better today.

And the seminar was really very good - it was on how to help "shepherd" parents, coming alongside them in the more-challenging-than-ever-before task they face.

Equally as interesting as the topic was the amazing "coincidence" I found myself in the middle of. Here I am, having picked this conference at this location on this date, sitting next to another children's minister from another city who happened to choose the same conference on the same date at the same location, and who happened to sit next to me. Chatting a bit, we discovered we had a mutual friend, someone who had previously attended her church and now attends ours. A little later, I happened to mention that my daughter and son-in-law are planning for a move to England.

"Where?" she asked, suddenly interested?
"Oxford," I replied, "and I believe, to a small town called Bicester."
"I've been there!" she said. "I have friends there with Reign Ministries."
"No way!" said I. "That's who they're going with!"
"This is unbelievable!" said she.

Between the mutual friend and the mutual connection with a little city six time zones away, I was blown away by the "coincidence" I was staring at, mouth gaping...I called H & S at the next break, and they were equally blown away - for of all the moments in time, right now, in this place, someone I didn't know from Adam was telling me about her friends, H & S's "supervisor" to be, and today I looked at real pictures of real places and heard a firsthand report of this growing ministry.

Sometimes, when you take a step in faith, God rewards it by making it a little less putting someone in your path who has walked the road you're about to take and understands where you're going.

Small world, great big God.

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