Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Going, going, gone

So just how do you, in a "depressed" housing market, put your house on the market and ON THE VERY SAME DAY receive not one but TWO full price offers? Some trick, to be sure...H & S are reeling from this development, but I'm sure H2 is not complaining that she only had to really clean the house once in order to sell it. When we got out of the Air Force, it took....are you ready for this?..... SEVENTY-FIVE (75)...yes, you read that right... 75 showings before we had a buyer. I put a little tick on the calendar each time we showed it, and at the end, it really was the 75th showing that finally came with an offer. And nobody ever said anything about the market at that time being depressed, or difficult, or whatever. H2 said that if this deal (they accepted offer #1) really does go through, they'll close in May and she and the boys will move to Nebraska, where they'll stay until they have the funds to leave for the UK.

The boys have been 2 1/2 hours away for the last 2 years...interesting that Nebraska feels no closer than England about now. :(

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