Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Decision made!

So here it is - the vacation plan is now complete! Check out this link for a look at the "cabin" we're renting on Lake Cumberland. I use the word "cabin" rather loosely, because we'll hardly be roughing it. A call to the resort confirmed that there is plenty of water in the lake, so we went ahead and booked.

This discussion has resurrected a funny memory...after we graduated from seminary, we were on our "wanderings" for a few months while we were looking for a church. We had purchased a tent trailer for $400 and were sort of living in it temporarily. One day (and I don't even remember what state we were in), we plotted where we thought we might wind up by nightfall, and found a reservoir that looked inviting. It was about an hour off the beaten path, but the road atlas certainly talked it up, so we decided to go for it. The road to the reservoir was really more the "beaten path" itself, and after jostling our innards for at LEAST an hour (that felt much longer), we pulled up to the edge of the lake, got out of the car and gasped. No, not at the beauty, but at what USED to be a lake, but was now a huge, dried up crater at the end of an incredibly bumpy road. Hot, exhausted, crabby, and hungry, we pulled out the peanut butter, made some sandwiches and climbed back in the station wagon for the return trip back to the freeway via the Chisholm Trail.

You can see why we're not that anxious for history to repeat itself. But the nice lady assured me there is plenty of water to go around. I guess we'll just take her word for it.

While in Kentucky, we're looking forward to seeing Mammoth Cave again (that's another vacation story from hell...we must be gluttons for punishment), the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, and taking a train ride...and oh yeah, LOTS of relaxing in the "cabin".

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