Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A little irony goes a long way

Is it just me or does it seem more than a little ironic that our government would engineer a bail-out (with money I'm pretty sure they don't have) to homeowners who bought houses they couldn't afford? I've said it before...there is no sense in putting yourself in unreasonable debt all for the sake of the "American Dream." Making house payments that are meaningless to the principal had to make somebody stop, raise and eyebrow and say, "huh?"...didn't it? Besides, anybody who owns a house will testify they are a LOT of work and more often than not, an unsuspecting money pit.

I would have hoped that when the partisan lawmakers got together over something important enough to shake hands over, it would be something of more substance...more beneficial to our country as a whole. Instead, they are furthering the notion that you can spend money you don't have and if you wail loud enough, Big Brother will ride in on a white horse and save the day.


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