Saturday, April 5, 2008

H(B)B, H2!

Lots of memories surrounding the birth of H2, 29 years ago...we were in the military, and after the birth of her sister two years prior (following a marathon labor/C-section), we were scheduled for a repeat C-section two weeks before my due date. Baby #2 was to be born on March 27. When I went in for that last check-up on the 26th, they did an x-ray and, though it was not conclusive, decided to give baby one more week in the oven. It took me a while to adjust to that change, having cemented March 27 in my brain, and that last week felt absolutely interminable.

We checked into the hospital the night before "birth" day, and after making sure that Nana and H1 were settled, P came to the hospital to be with me. We had already picked out names, and having had a "revelation" (or maybe heartburn?) P decided that the boy name we had picked out was inadequate and was convinced his new choice was far superior. I remember asking him, "are you HIGH??" The sentiment was nice, but the flow (too many "sh" sounds between the first and last name) was not going to work. Trying to sell me on the sentiment was not working, we were getting nowhere, and I finally said, "well, I'll show you...I'll have a girl."

So I did.

I believe things have changed through the years and the medical care offered by the military has improved. Thank God. In preparation for the surgery, I was strapped to a skinny metal table, arms out at 90 degrees, and STARK NAKED. I think I was just too young to assert myself, because there is NO WAY I would stand for that today. There was an airman counting instruments and a nurse scrubbing my mountainous belly, and I was shivering from the cold. Mercifully, I did get to go to sleep, and woke up to the news that we had another daughter, perfectly formed, having all of her fingers and toes, looking like her sister (only smaller).

H2 was the easiest baby of our three, content to lie on a blanket looking around, just happy to be alive, and it didn't take any time at all before we couldn't remember not having her around. Once, I had put her on the floor on a blanket with some toys, and stepped out of the room to answer the phone. When I returned SHE WAS GONE and I nearly panicked. I called out her name, quickly scanned the room, and found she had rolled under her crib, out of sight.

Her first word was "some", and when combined with a pointed finger was all the communication needed for what she wanted to eat. She loved to ride in the front pack and was a snuggler. We took lots of walks with her in the pack and H1 in the stroller to meet friends here or there.

Through the years, she has faced life with determination and the willingness to work hard to accomplish her goals. She has not let disappointment get the better of her, but has let the hard times accomplish good and has witnessed firsthand the greatness of our God.

Thank you, God, for blessing us with this dear daughter. Thank you for entrusting her to us, and for the joy she has brought.

Happy birthday, honey!

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