Saturday, April 12, 2008

Where have I been?

The last few weeks I've been short on blogging, due first to a case of the flu, and then to the need to do some big time catching up. This week I'm working feverishly to complete quilts for my niece and nephew who are graduating from high school this spring. The plan is to take them with me when I go to visit my parents in two weeks, so my parents can take them with them when they go to said graduations.

Also, I have more than the ordinary amount of traveling (which would ordinarily be none) coming week is district conference, where I'm helping to lead a workshop on the finer points of developing a ministry to families. Then the week after that is a trip to see my parents, and on the heels of that trip is our vacation to Kentucky. The thing about vacations is that while you can't wait to go, by the time you get there you wonder if all the hassle of finishing up work and packing will be worth it after all. And it always is...

Upon arriving home from Kentucky, we'll be taking care of Hurricane and Tornado for a couple of days while H & S close on their house, pack the moving van and clear out.
The boys are saying new words everyday, and have started to sing. I can't wait to hear that!

On a seemingly unrelated note, yesterday we bought a new t.v. While this news in and of itself seems rather inconsequential, if you haven't bought a new t.v. lately (and our old one was pushing 20), t.v.'s are NOT what they used to be. Rather amazingly, we now have "high def" channels, and while we only have rabbit ears, the picture is out of this world. And, also surprising, we have channels we didn't get before. Apparently there are stations out there that you don't get if you don't have an HD t.v. Who knew? So now if I'm not blogging, I'll most likely be found in front of my new t.v., watching shows I didn't know existed, staring with gaping mouth at the unbelievable clarity.

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