Tuesday, March 22, 2011

England! Day One

It is 7:17 p.m. here in the UK and honestly...I don't have the foggiest idea why I am not falling asleep about now.  Last night's plan was to board the plane, get some shut-eye and wake up in London.  Didn't quite work that way.  In fact, I think that saying I slept for two hours would be generous.  Talk about some TIGHT seats - whoa...anyway, we survived, we made it, and after walking 60 miles from the LAST gate at Heathrow through the airport and through customs, we found Mr. Incredible and Elasti-girl, and after a tearful reunion, we enjoyed a cup of coffee and headed home. 

Driving on the left side of the road wasn't nearly as freaky as I thought it would be - as long as we were on the motorway (freeway) where all three lanes were going in the same direction.  It was a little scarier when it felt like the oncoming traffic was going to hit us head-on.  And how they find their way from one round-about through the next, I'm not quite sure.  I was feeling a bit queasy by the time we got out of the car.

Before he left for school this morning (and before we arrived), Dash said to his mummy, "Is Papa's back doing poorly?  Shall I put a cushion in a chair at the table for him?  Will that help?"  He is just the sweetest boy ever.

Following the suggestion that we NOT go to bed straight away but instead go for a walk outside, we headed to the nearby canal for a mile and a half walk before picking up the boys from school.  The scenery was exactly as I expected, and it was beautiful.

Next, we headed over to the boys' school to pick them up.  We parked a few blocks away so we could see the village church first.  Inside were a number of tombstones on the floor, one which belonged to someone who had died in 1685.  The village was quaint and lovely and the moms waiting outside the school warmly welcomed us.

Next, hugs all around, look how big you are, a few more tears (me) and then, off to the obstacle course for a five-year-old rendition of "Total Wipe-Out".

And finally, before I fall into a coma, this is for Girlfriend, who crocheted owls for Dash and JackJack.  They loved them!  Dash announced he was including his new owl in his bedtime menagerie, and JackJack quickly discovered that if he spun his owl vertically, the wings looked like a propeller on the way down.

PS - Flyboy is fine - he's just chillaxing here.  :)

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