Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

I am the lucky one.  I say that, but I really do know it's more than luck.  I am truly blessed.  There.  That's more like it.  Blessed I am, because even at my age, both of my parents are still living.  Blessed I am, because even after 57 years, my parents are still married to one another.  Blessed I am, because I have always known the love of a devoted mother.

I'm thinking of my mother today, because on this day, 81 years ago, she was born.  Selfless to the core, my mother put her children's needs first, provided a stable and secure home, and modeled enduring love.  She ran a tight ship, efficient and organized.  Even during the years when our dad traveled more, our home life was never chaotic.  I don't remember Mom ever seeming frazzled or out of control.  She was always there, always  giving, always at the ready.

Mom, may this day be filled with happy memories, numerous birthday greetings, lots of love and laughter!
Happy Birthday!  I love you!

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