Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happiness is...

1.  ...entering the final countdown for our trip to England.  One week from tomorrow!  We are in total trip mode, working our way through our lists.  Very, very soon, we'll be hugging The Incredibles and talking to two five year olds with teeny tiny British accents.

The latest quotable quote:
Daddy: I'm sorry I can't help you put together your new Lego land cruiser - I'm helping Mommy get ready for your birthday party.
JackJack:  Daddy, I am a very clever boy.  I'm sure I can figure it out.

And figure it out he did - with two little helps from Mommy as she was passing by.  He laid out all the pieces on the kitchen table, opened the book, studied the picture and assembled that puppy.  He IS a clever boy.

2.  ...those four little words we so love to hear:  "Your bladder looks clean."  Flyboy had his 6 mo. cystoscopy on Friday and just in time for our big trip, we were thrilled to hear that the high-grade, fast-growing bladder cancer has still not returned.  Coming up on two years in May since his diagnosis, it's not grown back yet.  Thank you, Jesus!

3.  ...Weight Watchers!  I joined three weeks ago and have lost 10 pounds.  I know I don't want to take cholesterol meds, so this is my challenge to beat the numbers.  I think I am too young to have so much trouble getting down on the floor and up again, and since that is where Peanut spends the majority of her time at this point, I figured shedding 35 pounds might very well help that cause.  And finally, my beautiful cousin over at thayerhut has inspired me to put an end to the every-five-week-color-the-roots routine.  I'm going gray.  And I have this personal philosophy: you can be fat or you can be gray, but you can't be both.  So you can see where that leaves me: working hard to shed that weight.  Weight Watchers is very doable and relatively painless - my kind of plan.

Have a great week!

Wales 2011

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