Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I don't know why, but I've had an extended and rather unusual case of blogger's block lately.  Somehow, giving myself permission to write only when I have something to say has turned off a switch somewhere in my brain.  Pebbles says I should write about having joined Weight Watchers, and I think I'll do just that.  Tomorrow.  But today, I'm resurrecting a poem I wrote last year while suffering the same brain dead blogging malady.  Have a great day!

There once was a girl who had zero to say
Nothing profound or funny or even cliche
So she sat down to ponder and set out to write
A compelling account of her day
Alas, there was nothing, though hard she did try
To entertain, inform, or perhaps feign to imply
That a sonnet might serve as a stand-in this once
But her venture at verse went awry
Some days are just like that, she rightly bemoaned
There is naught of acclaim to be borrowed or owned
But no matter the disguise or creative facade
Saying nothing cannot be condoned
Conceding, she came to her end and declined
To write any longer, to her fate she consigned
To give up the battle, to throw in the towel
For rhyme is more burdensome than prose, she repined.
The end.

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