Thursday, February 21, 2008

Eclipses (lunar and otherwise)

Well, of all of the 93 photos on Yahoo of last night's eclipse, this is the one that looks closest to what we saw from our front porch at about 9:00.

The really cool thing was we didn't even know about the eclipse...we had just returned home from our small group and H1 (who was visiting the convalescing H2) remembered it and jumped up to look out the window. She shouted, "there it is!", and we all ran out on the porch to see. That was our last chance until 2010 to view such an eclipse, so I'm glad we didn't miss it.

On the health front, H2 is a little better, but definitely not ready to jump right back into boyland. She's planning to rest another day before heading home.

And for a little head-scratching, how about this comment by Michelle Obama, made in Milwaukee this week: "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country — and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change." Personally, I think there's a bit more to be proud of than a hunger for change, and I liked Cindy McCain's not so subtle reference to this comment: "I have, and always will be, proud of my country." Makes me wonder if Barack's handlers have put a muzzle on his wife. We'll see...

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