Saturday, February 16, 2008

TwoSpeak Part Deux

For your learning pleasure, today we will embark on part two of "How to Speak TwoSpeak". To keep things interesting, we'll start with a multiple-guess quiz:

1. ucky
a) anything you find on the floor in a public place
b) a rubber duck
c) a garbage can

2. aah-hole
a) a toybox
b) don't even think about it - this is a family-friendly blog
c) an apple

3. uppy
a) "I want to be picked up"
b) an older urban professional
c) a puppy

4. ishy
a) anything gushy or squishy
b) that irritating feeling of nausea
c) fish

So now, how did you do?

1) "Ucky" is indeed synonymous with "garbage can". This was the first word out of H2's mouth everytime one of the boys headed for the garbage can ("That's yucky!"), and it stuck. By the way, C has an amazing ucky radar, pointing out every garbage can in any public place you happen to visit - "Ucky! Ucky!"

2) "Ah-hole", while frightenly similiar in sound to a word you definitely do NOT want coming from your child's mouth, is really twospeak for "apple". H2 lives in fear for the day they serve apples in the church nursery.

3) "Uppy" means "puppy" - are you seeing a pattern here? Sometimes the first consonant is dropped in twospeak.

4) So if you got "ucky" (although I did try to trick you with "ducky") and "uppy", you have probably correctly deciphered "ishy" as "fishy". The boys love "Finding Nemo" and eating breakfast with their highchairs pushed close to the aquarium in the dining room.

Well, while the boys are napping, I'm contemplating one myself. Then it's out for a few errands before the arrival of the NEXT big storm, due to arrive tonight. H2 is planning to get here before the storm does, and will stay until Monday to give both the paint fumes in the boys' room and the 12" of snow they're predicting a chance to be cleared out. Like we have anywhere left to put anymore snow - there is still at least 18" on my picnic table!

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