Friday, February 15, 2008


In order to enjoy a weekend with two 2-year-olds, one must have a grasp of their unique vocabulary. Fortunately for us, we spent last weekend at their house, with helpful interpretations from Mom and Dad. So when they came for a visit with Grammie and Papa, we were ready.

Interestingly, C & E, being so close in age, also exhibit some of what I would imagine to be categorized as "twin behavior". Some of these behaviors include always wanting to know where the other one is, being very connected in every way, and owning the wrong pronounciation for any new word learned by the other.

That being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the twospeak that has been making us smile for the past two days (as phonetically correct as I can manage:)).

ahpbah - This is by far the most commonly used word by C, meaning "football". He repeats it at least 500 times a day, and non-stop when he wants to see his Veggie video with a football segment.

utdown - "touchdown", spoken with enthusiasm, and again, frequently.

doughy - This is one of those words that evolved rather incorrectly, and was claimed by both as the correct way to say "juice". E first called it "joo-ey", then C coined "doughy", and it stuck.

ni-ee - When one of the boys makes a basket, or something else equally impressive, they will exclaim with excitement, a drawn out version of "nice" (minus the "s" sound).

ah-shoe - No, this is not a sneezing sound, it is twospeak for "choo choo". Today, we saw a miniature train exhibit that mesmerized the boys longer than one would assume humanly possible. Later, we went to the mall, where Papa and the boys took a train ride around a little track. E held onto the gate, and had to be dragged onto the train by Papa. C got to ring the bell, which he did with gusto for all 5 laps around the track. But true to C-style, he never once cracked a smile while on the train. He seriously knows how to have some serious fun.

Well, all is quiet here, with the boys bedded down for the night. And while it is only 7:45, I think I could knock off myself. In and out of car seats with restraints rivaling those found in the cockpit of a fighter plane not once, but three times today (times 2 boys) along with the 20+ times of lifting them for one reason or another, and I am quite pooped. Contentedly pooped, but pooped nonetheless. There is nothing quite like two giggling 2-year-olds (in the car, in the tub, in the play area at the mall - where, by the way, E ran at least a mile while we were there) to lead one to conclude: it was a very good day.

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