Wednesday, February 27, 2008

From my journal today

This morning, while pouring my cereal (carefully measured, in an attempt to practice the discipline required in weight management after 50), I was pondering that this is the way of the world - too much of any "thing" is just too much, and is not profitable, does not better us, and really just drags us down. For example, too much food leads to extra weight, that ultimately will have a negative impact on our health. Too much household stuff just gets in the way, requiring cleaning, maintenance, and decisions about what to do with it. Too much time invested in any one activity brings an imbalance to life.

The only thing we can't get too much of in life is God. The vastness of His personhood and the majesty of His glory draws us to Him and the desire to experience more of Him is like being irresistibly pulled toward a super magnet. I think that life is in perfect balance when He is at the center of it, and that it is that "centeredness" that helps us to make sense out of the rest of it. He is the author and sustainer of all life, the beauty that we see in creation and the reminder of the completion of the redemption of our broken world upon His return.

Perhaps this is what Jesus was talking about in John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly."

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