Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This is why we stayed home

Well, I don't think we've seen this kind of snow since we lived in Denver. We decided we'd better not wait until it was done to start clearing out and it snowed two more inches in the hour it took to blow and shovel 2/3 of the driveway and the sidewalks. And it's not over yet.

Good thing we have youth on our sides. Yikes!

So, the jaunt to H & S's will have to wait until tomorrow. (Hope we can get out of bed in the morning.) H2 says it's RAINING at her house. They're saying this should start tapering off by about 6:00 p.m., and that we'll have 16+ inches.

We're breaking out the hot chocolate and working on the new jigsaw puzzle P bought me yesterday while he was out. It's a good one, and if I remain sane throughout all the red roofs (they're all red) and finish it before having to call the white truck, we'll all be happy.

E walked away (without a scratch) from a freeway crash with a semi last week after hitting a patch of black ice and losing control. He, miraculously, has cheated death once again. His beautiful Firebird, however, did not fare so well. He took it on the right quarter-panel, and not only is it smushed, it is gone. E's angels deserve a medal, and we just say, "Thank you, God!".

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