Monday, February 18, 2008

General Hospital

Well, this is one of those times when I'm thankful for a flexible job and a generous boss.

H2 got in on Saturday night, feeling a slight sore throat coming on. By morning, "slight" didn't begin to describe it, and besides a killer sore throat, she hurt everywhere else all at the same time, too. Thankfully, with the threat of a crippling winter storm, H1's Sunday plans were cancelled, and she was able to come and take care of the boys while we were at church and while H2 rested. Thankfully again, the said storm did not materialize after all, so we didn't have to deal with another foot of snow.

Today, H2 is still seriously under the weather, so I rearranged my schedule to stay home with the boys. We have eaten breakfast, played choo-choo, blocks, balls, watched Sesame Street, eaten lunch, and gone down for naps. And all before noon. How's that for productivity? H1 is coming over after work, as I have a meeting I can't miss tonight.

P has had a cold, Tornado (E) has had a temp, and I'm loading up on the Hall's Immune Booster cocktail. So far so good.

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