Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vacation plans

It was a busy weekend at S & H's...lots of cleaning, painting, and of course, playing with Hurricane & Tornado. It's amazing how fast they change. I'd seen them last less than a month ago, and since then they have really started playing together, and showing signs of imaginative play. They love Sesame Street and can point out most of the characters by name. They are starting to count and will repeat letters aloud. They are very affectionate and love to sit on my lap and give me kisses, which I am rather fond of myself.

We are taking our vacation a little earlier than usual this year, and by doing so, will most likely find some better deals. It seems that anything you rent in early May beats the peak season rates. Nice! We're contemplating a trip to Kentucky and came very close to booking a cabin on Lake Cumberland only to find out from another site that dinner cruises had been cancelled last year due to low lake levels from work on the dam, and the corps of engineers estimate a 1-7 year fix. Hmm....not sure a low lake would be something to see...think more research is in order.

We're hoping to combine lots of lollygagging with a trip to Mammoth Cave and a little genealogy research in Wayne County. My gg and ggggrandfathers on the O side lived there, and I'd like to be able to confirm several connections that to this point have been made based on circumstantial evidence. Genealogy connections are sometimes sketchy - for example, one of the O connections was made from census records, and sometimes census records might name an individual by initials only, or by a middle name instead of a first name...whatever name the person gave the census taker was the name that was written down. So, sometimes it is hard to know for absolutely sure you have the right person. I'm hoping that a trip to the genealogical library in Monticello and to the county courthouse will reveal some new information.

So, I'm off to look a little harder for either some more information on the condition of Lake Cumberland or another lake altogether.

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