Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another head scratcher

Just a quick comment...I'm not sure what bothers me more...the recently revealed sermons of Obama's pastor or Obama's speech today disavowing said pastor. To continue going to TUCC for twenty years while patently disagreeing with the teaching/politics of his pastor (and in the black church, there's not much difference between the two) is puzzling. To be aligned with a church implies agreement with the positions of the church. To, for the sake of damage control, suddenly have a change of heart and turn your back on your church is, in my mind anyway, almost as troubling as the rhetoric that came from it in the first place. Frankly, I'm surprised it took this long for this "revelation" to hit the media. The first time I saw TUCC's website before Obama announced his candidacy, it made me a little nervous. A church with a nationalist agenda (no matter what color you are) does not strike me as the place I'd want my president to attend. I'd hope he'd have the best for all Americans at heart, rather than his top priority being the advancement of Africa.

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