Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maundy Thursday

P is preaching both tonight and tomorrow night as the apostle John. The costume that my mom and I worked on for him years ago somehow disappeared from the costume closet at church. He tried several others on and summarily pronounced, "I look like a dork," which obviously would not help the angst he already felt about a first person message. For a simple trip to the fabric store and an evening of sewing, tonight he will be a new man. And can I just say here that sewing is NOT cheap…when I returned to church with the fabric and notions, I stuck my head into his office and said, "How much is it worth to you to not look like a dork?" To which he replied, "How much is this going to cost?" I then (kiddingly) invited Pastor B to step into the room so we could avoid bloodshed, to which he replied, "I wouldn't miss this for anything…it's just getting good!" I then explained the charges, what was on sale, and what wasn't, watched the color drain from P's face as I got to the bottom line ($71), and listened to Pastor B save the day, "oh really…that's not so bad…and besides, you can write it off…". All was good in the end, and if I do say so myself, the new robe, belt and piece that slings over his shoulder really does look smashing. And for as little sewing as I do, I really enjoyed it.

So much happened on Maundy Thursday - the washing of the disciples' feet with the lesson on servant leadership, the first communion (which sadly was also the disciples' last with Jesus); tons of last minute teaching by Jesus on everything from heaven to the Holy Spirit to abiding in the vine to persecution to what was about to happen; the prediction of the denial of all of the disciples on this night; a prayer vigil in the garden; and the betrayal by Judas Iscariot. I am thankful that today, with so much to ponder, I'm able to spend the bulk of it at home, being quiet.

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