Saturday, March 1, 2008

Winter pick-me-up

Well, it's not quite spring, but it is March, and spring can't be too far away, can it? Yesterday, P and I went to the Domes, where we enjoyed the same train exhibit I took the grandboys to a couple of weeks ago. And of course, we saw the tropical and arid habitats as well. There is nothing like fresh blooming flowers in every direction, green grass, and warm, moist air to lift one out of this seemingly eternal winter.

So, for you orchid lovers, here is a treat:

I wish I could have gotten pictures of the boys when we were there together, mesmerized by the trains, but my camera batteries chose our arrival at the Domes as the precise moment to poop out on me. I did get a video that I hope to post, as soon as I can figure out how to do it.

Tonight, for another pick-me-up, a friend and I are heading downtown for a "5 Browns" concert. The 5 Browns are 20-something siblings that all play the piano, and all at the same time. Wow!

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