Monday, March 24, 2008

Hurricane and Tornado

Today was a busy day at the G household (as are most with two 2-year-olds). Tornado (C) was particularly busy learning new words, exploring new technology, and mastering gymnastic vaulting techniques.

Last night, the Gs headed over to friends for an Easter supper and the boys were greeted at the door with Easter baskets. Confiscating the M&Ms right away, H2 stashed them away to be doled out in bites here and there. Today C brought his half egg to H2 for an M&M fix, and she said, "Okay, but just a couple..." Satisfied, he walked away, ate his snack, returned, held out the egg again and, for the first time ever, said, "couple!". P asked if he was rewarded with a couple more just for being cute, but I failed to ask.

Next, C had employed S to rewind to his favorite part AGAIN and AGAIN as he only likes the songs on the Thomas the Tank Engine dvd. S quickly tired of this assigned duty and after "one more time", laid down the remote and walked away. C picked up the remote and directly pressed the right button to go right to the songs. Again and again. Somebody's been paying attention...

And finally, for the coup de grace...the boys love to burn off steam by jumping in the cribs, and like it even better when they can jump in each other's. Somehow, C managed to jump/climb/catapult right out of E's crib and found the wood floor of their bedroom rather unforgiving. H2 determined he had no broken bones, consoled him and let him watch animated basketballs on the internet, and very quickly, all was right with the world.

Hurricane, on the other hand, is the strong silent type, listening to his brother say new words and sometimes copying, sometimes not. He is content to play, not needing to watch the same Thomas songs 583 times in a row. And while jumping in the crib is fun, he does not feel the need to set any distance records and is certainly not interested in pain.

In Tornado's other latest twospeak, "...oh well...".

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