Friday, March 7, 2008

Good friends are the best

We had overnight company. Our dear friends D & C came through on their way to Michigan. This is parents' weekend at Hillsdale College and their two youngest daughters are students there. Hillsdale strikes me as a most unique place. When H2 was in college I don't ever remember being invited to her campus for a weekend, nor do I remember ever feeling like parents were welcome in any way, good for check writing but not much else. At Hillsdale, parents can meet with professors, sit in on classes, participate in activities...and they are welcomed by the school, and more amazingly, by the students.

D & C's oldest daughter (who graduated from Hillsdale last year)is now working at the Woodstock School in India as a houseparent. Her FIANCEE (who also graduated from Hillsdale last year) is teaching ESL in Taiwan, and popped the question when T visited him there over winter break. And I thought wedding planning halfway across the country was a challenge - they are halfway around the world! One thing they've figured out - she will have her dress made by the local tailor and will bring back sari fabric for her bridesmaids.

Catching up on all the news was great fun. But even better than that was the level of comfort in conversation with good friends, with whom is no need to impress. And meaningful conversation...the ability to cut to the chase and share what is important without having to warm up to it.

Yes, good friends are the best.

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