Friday, March 21, 2008


H & S considered coming up for a quick respite, but for several reasons, decided against it. And is was a wise decision, given that there is a good TWELVE inches of snow on the driveway. See below pictures of the driveway and the picnic table:

We went in to church for a while this morning, to take care of some Good Friday preparations, and by the time we left, after at least 500 phone calls, it had been decided to cancel the service. Many other churches had already come to the same conclusion. There were more cars on the road than one might have expected, but given it is MARCH 21, I think people are thumbing their noses at winter and heading out no matter what. Nonetheless, it seemed the prudent thing to do to cancel the service. I feel the worst for the choir, who has spent the past three months rehearsing for tonight, only to not be able to perform.

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