Saturday, January 29, 2011
Cooking Like Crazy
(Just thought I'd try to compete with the Apostle Paul for the world's longest sentence, but I think he still holds the record.)
Anyway, we headed out today to find some waterproof walking shoes since Elasti-girl told us they would be a good investment in soggy England, and we found them! We're wearing them around the house to make sure our shoes and our feet are a match made in heaven, then we'll venture out to really break 'em in. I had planned to walk on the treadmill in mine this afternoon, but then I engaged in the same mental discussion I regularly have with myself. It goes like this: I know I need to exercise - and not just for the weight loss aspect of the deal, but because I am becoming a bit arthritic and get a little stove up when I sit around too long. But when you're away from home for 10 hours a day, have evening obligations two of the five workdays each week, and like to do fun stuff like blog and research genealogy, it's not that easy to figure out when to exercise. I already get up at 5:45 and can't get too excited about getting up any earlier, and getting home at 5:15 from work means I have to start supper right away. What is a girl to do???
For the countless times I've thought these thoughts, I've never figured out how to get 'er done. Today, however, I decided that I'd cook ahead (like for the whole week) so that I have NO EXCUSE SIR for not heading to the basement and jumping on the treadmill after work. So, I whirled around the kitchen for several hours, trying three new recipes, loved them all, and am going to share them with you here. I think I'll put them each in their own post, to make it easier to index them.
Happy cooking!
Beef Barley Soup
Photo courtesy of
Chicken Thighs with Braised Vegetables
Photo courtesy of
Chicken Surprise Pizza
On to the recipe!
First you need a pizza crust. I make mine in the bread machine using this recipe:
Put the following ingredients in the bread machine pan in the order recommended by the manufacturer: 1 1/4 C warm water (110 degrees), 3 C bread flour, 1 t sugar, 1 t salt, 2 t olive oil, 2 t yeast. Select the dough cycle, removing the dough after it has risen and pressing it onto a pizza stone or pan. If you like lots of thick, chewy dough, use the whole ball. On the other hand if you prefer thin crust, divide it in half and make two pizzas, doubling the ingredients below.
Then, spread 1/2 C red sauce of choice on the crust (I used Prego). Top with: 1/2 lb bulk chicken or turkey sausage browned, 1 1/2 C seedless red grapes, halved (surprise!), 4 oz fresh mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced, 3 T grated Romano cheese (buy the solid chunk and grate it yourself - it's worth it), 1/4 t black pepper and 1/4 C sliced green onions.
Bake at 425 for 15-20 min. or until crust is browned and cheese is melted.
Photo courtesy of
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
One Thing Leads to Another
We were riding in the back of a station wagon (I can't remember who was driving), but there were several of us cousins hanging out and passing the time while we travelled (unshackled, I might add, in pre-seat belt days). We were approaching the outskirts of Ponca City, Oklahoma, where our grandparents lived, and we all knew what that meant. We were about to be in Conoco territory, driving past the refinery. And in unison, we all hollered, "1-2-3-STINK-CITY!!!", with a long drawing out of the word "stink", so that it was more like "STEEEEENK CITY!!!".
And then, as I was commuting home from work, I heard on the news that travel to Cuba is loosening up a bit. The only person from Cuba I've ever known was a friend from the 5th and 6th grade when we lived in Santa Monica, California. Her family evacuated on one of the last ten flights out of Cuba in the early 60s. And she was my first friend who came from a family whose first language was not English. I would call to talk to her, and as she and her mother shared the same name, whoever answered the phone would ask, "Beeg or leetle?", trying to determine which one I was asking for. I was thinking about this friend overnight, searched for her on Facebook and I believe I may have found her! It's a small world...
Which reminds me of the time Flyboy and I got stuck in "It's a Small World" at Disneyland, and like an earworm, I thought I'd never, ever get that song out of my head again. We were plotting our escape, trapped in a little boat, feeling our sanity slipping through our fingers like sand in an hourglass, these are the days of our lives.
Actually, and I probably shouldn't admit this, but I did, for a short while watch a soap opera. I had babies and hours at home alone and Josh and Reva were my friends and Alan Spaulding was a power hungry pig (name that soap) and Fridays were always cliff hangers. Before long, when the babies were turning into toddlers, there was no more time for soap operas, and we were more into homemade play-doh and stroller walks to meet my best friend, who also had babies. Except at that time she had three while I had two, though we were pregnant together both times (she had twins the second time around).
I'd sure love to sit down with her for a cup of coffee today, but she is currently occupied in other parts of the world. Our husbands were Air Force pilots together, and after we got out, we went to seminary and into ministry while her husband spent the next 30 years flying for one airline after another as merger after merger kept their lives ever interesting. Today, after retiring as a 767 pilot (I think), he is now flying for a charter outfit IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INDIAN OCEAN WHERE THEY LIVE ON AN ISLAND. With PALM TREES and shimmery crystal clear blue water and year-round 80 degree weather with gentle breezes. (Okay, so she also lives in a crowded capital where there are tons of people and tons of tall apartment buildings and narrow streets and scooters parked everywhere. And from her photos, it would appear that people there really don't know how to throw their plastic water bottles in the trash, preferring anywhere but.) I think I may have mentioned this once or twice (or maybe 50 times or so), but I really do love palm trees.
And Fernando Ortega.
And cousins.
Monday, January 24, 2011
I Could Go to Jail (Without Passing Go)
I could go to jail.
It all started with yesterday's post. While it's pre-determined content had nothing to do with a certain national franchise (which shall remain unnamed since I'd hate to get in deeper doodoo), I could not let the opportunity pass to cheer the fact that our team won, and as a result is going to the big daddy championship game. And on top of that, I mentioned my favorite play of the game. And to make matters worse, I included a link to YouTube where you could watch if for yourself.
Then, in the wee hours of the morning, I remembered this:
"The N** prohibits any use of the pictures or descriptions of this game without its express written consent".
Hopefully, it's not too late. I don't think it is, because no one has come knocking at my door with a warrant or handcuffs. The video is coming down, and I refuse to even speak of the N** out loud because God only knows I wouldn't want to be guilty of describing something that I enjoyed about the game.
Think about it. It could happen to you.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Flyboy: A Cancer Story - Chapter 23
It has been exactly a year since the radiologist reported a little fluid around his heart. That was a scare, and particularly since Flyboy also sported a rather ugly cough for weeks on end. Come the end of February he landed in the hospital for a week, at which time he was ultimately diagnosed with CMV (cyto-megalo virus). He did get better and didn't even experience the mile-long list of side effects that could have accompanied the high-powered anti-viral medication he took for three weeks.
And life has been good since then. He has remained relatively healthy and cancer-free. Thank you God.
But here we are, at the end of January again, and his cough is back. Don't know what it means, but it's the kind of cough that rattles him down to his toes and irritates the heck out of him. He's calling his doctor tomorrow, and we're praying it doesn't turn into a repeat of last year.
It's just another opportunity to pray and leave it all in the very capable hands of our heavenly Father. No better place to be!
On a lighter note, our
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Passport Application - check!
The sign said, "Passport hours: M-F 9-3, Sat 9-11 - appointment recommended". It was 10:58 when we got to the counter.
Me: "We didn't know there were passport hours until we saw the sign on the door. Are you able to help us?
Him: "Yes, I think we can help you."
Me: "Is it possible to get photos?"
Him: "We can do that."
Me: "Thank you so very much."
"Him" made our day. In retrospect, Flyboy mentioned I could have gone earlier, while he was at church, in which case, he would have waited until Monday. Unfortunately, I had not thought of that, and standing there waiting for the pictures to print, we were feeling quite fortunate to be able to get in under the wire.
"Him" made getting a passport fun, even. He had long dark hair, some facial hair, and dangly earrings that looked rather, well, feminine. Until we got up to the counter and had a closer look. They were in the shape of little handcuffs.
Him: "If you have any questions through the process, please feel free to ask, and by the time we get to the end, you'll probably have your answers anyway."
Me; "I can't think of any questions at this point."
Him: "Sign here - it says you swear to not being a terrorist...or something like that."
Flyboy: "I dunno - she scares me sometimes."
Him: "Well that's between you. There is no form for that."
Me: (as I watch him stapling my birth certificate to the paperwork) "You're keeping my birth certificate?"
Him: "I thought you didn't have any questions."
Me: "That was before I saw you stapling my birth certificate to that stack of papers."
Him: "That will get answered at the end. You are my first passport applicants. Does that make you feel any better?"
Me: "At least the training should be fresh in your mind."
Him: "I did just have a refresher course. Took two hours to learn what order to staple the papers in. I passed, by the way."
Me: "I DO feel better now."
So, thanks to the very nice (albeit a little quirky) gentleman at the post office, we are one step closer to being in the system.
PS - Should you be in the market for a passport, the photos are cheaper at Walgreens. But, the ability to get it all done at once made us glad we had them taken at the post office.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Two Months from Today
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Frozen Cranberry Salad

A reader requested the reposting of this recipe - and I guess over time, all my recipes will be reposted one by one since they evaporated on the other site.
There are a few recipes that my family has come to expect at the holidays. And while this one in no way qualifies as a "whole foods" dish, it wouldn't quite be complete without it. Normally, I mix the ingredients together, spread it in a 9 x 13 and freeze it, cutting it into squares at serving time. This time, I spooned it into muffin-liner-lined-muffin-cups and then froze it. This is one of those super yummy/super rich deals where a little is enough,and a muffin cup's worth is perfect.
Enough suspense! On to the recipe!
Stir together in a large mixing bowl: 1 can whole-berry cranberry sauce, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 1/4 c lemon juice, 1 large can crushed pineapple(drained), 1 c mini-marshmallows, 1/2 c chopped pecans. Spoon into a 9 x 13 pyrex dish OR into muffin cups and freeze. Thaw ever so slightly before serving.
Monday, January 17, 2011
A Sad Day for
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Looking Back
Friday, January 14, 2011
Gigi and Peanut

Thursday, January 13, 2011
One Little Click
Friday, January 7, 2011

Half Success = Half Failure
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
A Backward Story
Since I started blogging, I don't think I've ever gone this long without posting. But, in my defense - and not that I feel the need to defend myself, except, well, maybe to myself, because I can, like most other women I know, tend to be my own worst enemy - it has been an unusual set of circumstances. I even broke my own rule...never leave home without your laptop...and as we have spent the last three days away from home, I wasn't even able to record what's been going on. It's been so long since I posted that I got an email from my mother wondering if I'd moved to a new blog site without leaving a forwarding address. Nope. It's just not been a normal week. the interest of playing a little catch-up, while also recording some of what has happened for posterity and for the sake of the memory that I will undoubtedly soon begin to lose, and to make the whole thing (hopefully) a little more interesting, I'm going to start with today and work my way backwards. I've never written a story backwards before, but it just sort of seems the thing to do. I am going to try to not give away details - and you have to promise to try not to read ahead to put the pieces together. I am just going to write it chronologically moving from the present to the past.
We'll see how this works out. And it you get so frustrated you decide to never read anything I write again, I'll understand.
Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011
The house had a chill in the air when we arrived home a few minutes ago. And not surprisingly is, after all, 22 degrees outside and we've been away from home for three days, and in the interest of conservation of resources, we left the thermostat turned down. Flyboy likes to unpack right away, while I prefer to hit the keyboard while stuff is still fresh in my mind. We're thankful for good friends, who took us to the airport on Monday and picked us up today and got our mail in the meantime. Today we had breakfast in Valdosta, GA, drove to Jacksonville, FL, had lunch in Atlanta, and are home in time for supper. It was a blessedly easy day of travel, with ample time between flights but not too much.
As we were walking to our connecting gate in Atlanta, my phone rang and it was Elasti-girl calling from England. What a treat!!! She wanted to make sure we were okay, but we couldn't talk for long as we were headed for the underground train to ride two terminals down. She asked if I had time for a funny story, which, of course, I did. She and Mr. Incredible just got a new table for their kitchen that has to be assembled. JackJack asked Mommy who would be putting the new table together, and she replied that Daddy would be taking care of it. JackJack (age 4) said, very manner of factly, "Well, not many people know this about me, but I am actually a very good builder. I think it would be a good idea if Daddy were to wait for me to get home to help him." I laughed out loud, and boy, did it feel good. I hung up the phone and told Flyboy the story, to which he responded, "That is just plain scary." I knew exactly what he meant - that JackJack's intellect continues to surprise us all. He can say the funniest, most interesting things.
It was 60 degrees when we left Florida. Apparently an airport-closing-blizzard in Wisconsin was too much to hope for. We both could have used another day to recuperate. Yesterday was a very hard day.
Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2011
Flyboy's niece said it well: "This has to be hitting Flyboy hard today...we've all had a couple of days to process everything, but for him, it's all at once." Yes, she was quite insightful. We arrived at the church just after the hearse had pulled up. The men in suits were carrying in flowers when we got out of the car, and we met grown up kids we've hardly known in the lobby. We shared hugs and tears, and got out of the way so the men from the funeral home could bring in the casket. We all followed them into the sanctuary as they opened the casket for "the viewing", as they call it in the south. At the same time, a video presentation was playing, and all of a sudden, photos of Flyboy and his sister as children, pictures of their mom and dad, his sister's children throughout their growing up years and beyond were flashing on the screen one after another with music in the background. And Flyboy began to silently weep. He and his sister were not close growing up, and had not lived anywhere near one another for many years. Since their mother died in 2002, though, they had connected more on the phone than ever before, and this, along with the fact that he was now the only person left in his family of birth, his sister laying there before him, hit him like a ton of bricks.
Although she had a hard life, Flyboy's sister raised four children who have each, in their own ways, grown up to be amazing people. There was an hour before the service started and each of them took their turns, sometimes alone, sometimes with one another, saying goodbye to their mother. They grieved well, laughter and tears mixing together as they remembered something funny she had said, or something they had done together.
One thing Flyboy was unprepared for was the flood of memories of his own childhood, including trips to Georgia to see his grandparents and the two times he saved his sister's life when they were kids, and then the last trip we had made to Georgia to bury his mother. This is the fourth time he's gone to Georgia to bury a family member...first his mother's husband, then his grandmother, his mother, and now his sister. And all four are now buried in the little cemetery next to his grandma's beloved church.
The pastor spoke of Flyboy's sister's love of life and pointed out that the majority of photos displayed in the video of her showed her in some animated pose, completely comfortable with who she was, not trying to "look good", but just having fun. That opened the floodgate for later conversations and telling of stories and imagining what she would have said had she been there.
You forget some things, especially when you live in the north where there seems to be a general lack of respect for humankind. People in the south know how to honor death, and I was yet again struck by the five car police escort to the cemetery, the many cars on both sides of the road - even on a divided highway - pulled over at a complete stop as our caravan passed by. Two police officers would speed ahead to intersections to stop the traffic, and by the time we got there, they would be standing outside their vehicles at attention, with their hats over their hearts as we drove on. It felt as if the whole state of Georgia was mourning with us.
Back to the church we went, following the committal, for a southern potluck complete with deviled eggs, macaroni and cheese, lima beans, lentils and black eyed peas, and southern fried chicken. The kids lingered after everyone else had gone home, and we sat and shared stories for several more hours before heading back to the hotel, thoroughly spent.
Monday, Jan. 3, 2011
By the time we arrived in Jacksonville we had been traveling for ten hours. It should not have taken that long, and at the end of the day, we were thankful it didn't take longer, but it was a day to remember. When you're sitting at the computer making flight/car arrangements, it all seems so easy. Just one little mouse click, and you're there. You're supposed to get on the plane, make the connecting flight, rent the car and be there.
Our woes began before we even got on the first plane. It was slated to be a half an hour late, and with a short turn-around time in Chicago, we feared we'd be in trouble. Trying to be proactive, we spoke with the ticket agent here, but were assured we'd still have enough time. We even tried to map out the trek between terminals at O'Hare (nothing can be easy there) ahead of time. The plane was even later than expected, and by the time we got to O'Hare, there was only 15 minutes before our next plane was scheduled to leave. We tried to enlist the help of an unhelpful ticket agent, but were told we should just try to make the plane. Alternately running, walking, and gasping for breath, we found the shuttle between terminals, then started over again, running to the gate. It was ugly. I am 54 and flabby. Flyboy is 59 and not even five weeks out of heart surgery. We are entirely too old to be running for planes. We saw it still at the gate, but were told by yet another unhelpful agent that it was too late, the door had been shut, the plane was in communication with the tower, and we'd have to take the next flight to Jacksonville, which did not leave until 7:30 p.m. Do we have any other options? Take that concourse past the McDonalds to the customer service counter. Ask them what your options are.
I had to sit down and cry.
The customer counter of disappointment confirmed that the only other flight to Jacksonville for the whole day was not until 7:30 p.m., a six hour wait. Thankfully, Flyboy had the presence of mind to ask if we could take another airline, an option that would have not been otherwise offered. Yes, US Air had a flight leaving in 45 minutes, and if we hurried, we could get back to the other terminal - yes, you guessed it - the terminal we had just run FROM, in time to make it. We hurried back, again, and made it to the gate just in the knick of time. This plane, however, was not going to was going to Charlotte, and we'd get a connecting flight from there. It was the only way to get to Georgia before midnight. Our boarding passes were printed at the gate, and we fell into our seats, taking off for Charlotte.
Having missed lunch, we sought out an early supper at the airport in Charlotte while we waited for our connection to Jacksonville. Dinner at a nice seafood restaurant had just been delivered and we had an hour and ten minutes to relax. I had taken two bites of my crab soup when, out of nowhere, a panicked thought entered my head - WHAT TIME ZONE ARE WE IN??? Our hour and ten minutes was suddenly, without warning, reduced to ten minutes til take-off. We had not, until that moment, when the voice of God shouted in my ear, realized it was NOT 4:50, but in fact 5:50, Flyboy quickly paid the bill as I ran AGAIN for the gate, begging for mercy to be able to board.
We fell into our seats, being glared at by an entire planeload of people who knew we were the reason their plane had not yet taken off. Wild-eyed and exhausted, we looked at each other, shook our heads, and simply could not believe what a day it had been. And we still had a two hour drive ahead once we arrived in Jacksonville. Could it get any worse? Stop right now - don't ask that question. We all know it can get worse.
Thankfully, it did not, and we finally arrived at our hotel, feeling in no way, shape or form ready to face the next day.
--to be continued...