Friday, January 7, 2011

Half Success = Half Failure

I had high hopes. For a couple of minutes, anyway. I found that I was able to import posts from the first blog I wrote several years ago into this new one. That was easy - it was FROM a platform TO a platform. Feeling brave and empowered, I decided to try to import Empty Nest Full Heart as well, having found instructions that seemed easy enough to follow. Having all three blogs together in one place? Divine!

Did it work? Unfortunately, no...I followed the instructions to the letter, but keep getting a server error with a code that might as well be in hieroglyphics for as much sense as it makes to me.

A little more research, and it would appear that Empty Nest Full Heart is just too big to import. I am still going to look for another way, because it seems just a sad shame that two years of writing should just go up in smoke.

Here's hoping...

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