Friday, January 21, 2011

Two Months from Today

It's Friday. After work and supper (which consisted of a meal of mixed metaphors - Smokey Black Bean Soup and Greek Sandwiches), we decided to head out, braving the wicked cold weather (in the single digits) and have coffee at Barnes and Noble (our favorite date night destination). We were looking at travel guides in preparation for our upcoming trip to see the Incredibles, and then it hit us.

We leave for London two months from today. Exactly. If that doesn't light a fire under your fanny, I don't know what will.

We settled on a Rick Steves guide, and came home straightaway to gather our documentation and fill out our passport applications, look for waterproof walking shoes online, research the weather in England in March, contemplate how we can lose weight and get into some semblance of fitness in two months, and my oh my, I'm tired just thinking about it all. Tomorrow, without fail, our number one priority is to head to Walgreens for passport photos and then make a bee-line to the post office to turn in our passport applications. They say it can take 4-6 weeks, so we don't have a minute to lose.

Dash has been telling everybody he knows that " gwandma is coming to see me after JackJack's birthday..." Awww... JackJack turns five a week before we travel, so that is their milestone by which to gauge our arrival.

We have about ten days in country, and Rick Steves has a week-long itinerary for London alone. I know we can't see everything, but we're trying to figure out what we want to see the most. Flyboy is interested in visiting Hadrian's Wall, being a lover of history, and that side trip would most likely have to happen smack in the middle of our visit with the kiddos. There's a lot to consider, including the Incredibles' plans, and we're going to try to make everybody happy. I'd love to think this won't be our only trip, but one never knows what the future holds.

The countdown begins...


  1. We must have missed one another at B & N (that was me scowling at my computer, not able to type fast enough to take notes on a MacArthur sermon)

    Have *fun* getting ready for the trip, remembering each task finished is one step closer to hugging those adorable little boys!

  2. To get the most bang for your buck with Hadrian's Wall, go to Housesteads or Vindolanda. Housesteads is the most complete Roman fort along Hadrian's Wall. Vindolanda is in the process of being excavated, which is really cool to see!
    My pictures of Hadrian's Wall and Housesteads:
    We enjoyed our time so much in England and Scotland - you will too, on top of seeing your family!
