Sunday, January 23, 2011

Flyboy: A Cancer Story - Chapter 23

The news continues to be good. Flyboy's bi-annual scans keep coming back clean, a gift we do not take for granted. We are more grateful than we can put into words for every healthy day he enjoys.

It has been exactly a year since the radiologist reported a little fluid around his heart. That was a scare, and particularly since Flyboy also sported a rather ugly cough for weeks on end. Come the end of February he landed in the hospital for a week, at which time he was ultimately diagnosed with CMV (cyto-megalo virus). He did get better and didn't even experience the mile-long list of side effects that could have accompanied the high-powered anti-viral medication he took for three weeks.

And life has been good since then. He has remained relatively healthy and cancer-free. Thank you God.

But here we are, at the end of January again, and his cough is back. Don't know what it means, but it's the kind of cough that rattles him down to his toes and irritates the heck out of him. He's calling his doctor tomorrow, and we're praying it doesn't turn into a repeat of last year.

It's just another opportunity to pray and leave it all in the very capable hands of our heavenly Father. No better place to be!

On a lighter note, our Packers team are is going to the Super Bowl big game! And unless the Jets other contender experiences a resurrection pretty quick we'll be playing the Steelers a team from Pennsylvania. This was by far my favorite moment of today's game: Sorry, you'll just have to guess.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying the cough goes away quickly and easily!!

    Oh, and go Packers!
